Sunday, June 17, 2012


V is for the Victory He gave to me!

I is for Instructions in His Word!

C means keeping all of His Commandments!

T is for my total Trust in Him!

O is for Obeying all He says to me!

R means to Rebuke the enemy!

Y means Yielding to His Spirit,

God's Word is true, so just believe it!

We have the VICTORY!
Happy Father's Day!!!
The Knopp family
 Homecoming 2012  Refuge Church  Enterprise, Al.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

1 Chronicles 16:11  Seek the LORD and his strength;  seek his presence continually!

Launching  Soon!!!  Family Care on June 17th

What is it? one might ask.  It is an effort to connect the church one family at a time.
Pastor Kevin has been collecting a family census for the last several months, in efffort to find out about each family in the church.  This enables each person to have a personal contact person when they may be in need and/or have a praise report.  Your family will have their contact info and they will have your info.  We realize that we are growing and do not want anyone to be missed.  God bless you and thanks for helping with Family Care.
Grand Opening
Nursery 180 on June 10, 2012
Thanks to Pastor Kevin for all his hard work, he compiled a host of helpers to help make this day flow easily. He would like to thank all that helped him, the workers who redone the nursery (all the long hours) it looks awesome! Also, to Sis. Charlotte for working the nursery on Homecoming morning, her selfless dedication was an inspiration to us all. Thanks in advance to all who have committed to help in the future, you are not just tending to young children, but you are influencing a future generation for God!
Proverbs 22:6  Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.

Praise God!!
Homecoming 2012 was excellent!  The Knopp family from Tuscaloosa, Al. was with us and oh how God has blessed them! They led us into a time of praise and worship unto the King.  Due to a family emergency Brother McDonald was unable to be with us, let us all keep him and his family in our prayers.  Pastor Greg brought us a wonderful homecoming message. We would like to thank everyone who helped make homecoming such a hugh success.

(Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine).

Friday, June 8, 2012

3: John 4
I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.

Colossians 3:2-4

Set your affection on things above,

not on things on the earth.

For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.

When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.

Homecoming June 10, 2012 @ 10:30 am

Praise the Lord!!
Come visit with us at Refuge Church Enterprise, Al. on Sunday @ 10:30am.  Guest speaker is Brother Russel McDonald from MS, he will be ministering from the word of God.
The Knoppes from Tuscaloosa will be ministering in song!  We will be having food and fellowship where everyone is asked to please bring a covered dish, enough to feed  your family and another. Look forward to seeing you there!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

School of Ministry Mission trip pictures

These are just a few pictures of when the students, Pastor and his family went to Nicarauga!

School of Ministry

At Refuge church we have a School of Ministry, the students are in class for 9 months. During this time they are in preparation for the ministry in the area that God has called each person into. They study the word of God, pray, seek God, allow their passion for God to grow, witness.  They were also blessed with a mission's trip to Nicarauga! Recently they completed the 9 month course and we celebrated this event with a graduation.
We will miss these students, it was an awesome experience to watch each grow in the Lord! We look forward to hearing in the near future how each is changing the world one soul @ a time

Hello, I am Pastor Greg along with my wife Sister Jessica Adkins
We would like to thank you for stopping by, this blog is new to you and to us as well!
What we hope to accomplish with this blog is to get the word out that Jesus Saves! We would also like for this to be a place where we can post encouragement for others, photos, and share events both past and future.